One surviving aspect of African custom and culture in early America is the custom of funeral and burying rituals. In Newport, both the enslaved and free African community, largely coming from what is today Ghana, would provide elaborate funerals for their dearly departed. The funeral was as much a celebration of life as it is a bid farewell to the dead. Most importantly it signified the departure of souls in their next journey to join their ancestors.
On May 18th, 1770, 70 year old Quash Dunbar died. In his diary on May 20th of that same year, Rev. Ezra Stiles wrote:
“A Negro Burying, the Church bell tolled (all our Bells sometimes toll for Negroes), a procession of Two Hundred Men and One Hundred & Thirty Women Negroes.”
The funeral often included dancing, singing and public recognition of the relevance of the life of the departed. In an African funeral in Newport, the leaders of the community would lead a procession with the body on a wagon from the center of the town to the burying grounds. The procession would be organized by a ceremonial undertaker, a well-respected position within the African community.
Click here to learn about Mintus the “Last Colored Undertaker” of Newport and how he presided over 18th century burials in God’s Little Acre.
Burial Markers in God’s Little Acre
Bristol, Jane
Possibly Jane Bristol as
identified in the survey of 1903. Marker stands alone where the previous survey indicated, however, the top has been broken
off, and no other identifying marks show ownership.
Bristol, Marsh
In Memory of
died 6 April 1761 age about 82 years
*Bristol Marsh, at the time of his death, would have been born in 1679.*
Brown, Asher
In Memory of
Wife of Scipio Brown
Died May 1744
Age About 57 Years
*This is an early marker of a free African family in
Newport. This woman would have been born in 1687! *
Brown, Cuffe
Brown, Hartford
In Memory of
(the rest illegible)
Brown, Hercules
In Memory of
Died Jan. 11, 1762
Age About 30 Years
He Was Faithful & well Beloved
of his master Captain John Brown
Brown, Perry
Perry Brown
Died January 29,
in the 87th year of his age
Brown, Phebe
Phebe L. Brown
Born March 1,
Died November 8, 1887
Brown, Quamine
Died June 18,
Age About 70 Years
*See African Names page*
Brown, Robing
In Memory of
died July 1770
age 55 years
Brown, Rose
In Memory of
Rose Brown
July 2 1752
in 13th year of her age
Brown, Thomas
In Memory
Servant of
Capt. John Brown
died July 1764
age 44 years
Bull, Cambridge
In Memory of
he died December ye 3rd, 1769
Age about 56 Years
Bull, Millie & Katherine
Millie Bull
Servant of
Henry Bull, Esq.
Died May 1st 1765
Age 16 Years
Katharine Bull
Servant of Henry Bull, Esq.
Died May 31,
Age 15 Years
Bull, Peg
In Memory of
a Negro Servant
Henry Bull, Esq.
Died July 25, 1740
Age 6 Years
*An early marker of a slave child to one of
Newport's most prominent families. What chores would a six year old slave girl have had?*